The seminar is most appropriate for those who want to work professionally as Thai Massage therapists. It is a comprehensive 35-hour, fast-paced training over a 5 day period, with all 5 steps are based on the traditional Thai Massage protocol. The steps include the front, side and rear seated positions, as well as the head and face.

The full training is designed so that students have a comprehensive learning experience and acquire in-depth knowledge of traditional Thai massage, where practice is supported by clear and detailed analysis and explanation of the benefits of the technique.

In addition, this seminar focuses on exact direction, pressure points, and each meridian, utilizing the weight of the trainee healer’s body rather than strength, along with the best possible body posture to avoid any kind of strain.

My aim is to teach and pass on this highly therapeutic technique which has been practiced for thousands of years.

Schedule:  Friday 02, Saturday 03, Sunday 04, Monday 05 May, 2025

Duration: 28 hours (4 days)

 Time: 9.30 – 16.30

Price: 390€

Attendance method : Attend in person

    • +30 6977626399


* Thai Massage is an ancient healing system that combines different principles to relieve pain, sprains, muscle inflammation, reduce joint stiffness, stretching and improve mobility. The stretching techniques used in Thai massage help to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, eliminate toxins and improve metabolism.

It is a full body massage without the use of oil or lotions. The recipient wears loose, comfortable clothing. Unlike other types of massage, this is done on a stable mattress on the floor.

At the end of the course you will be fully trained as a professional therapist in the art of Thai massage. You will be able to professionally practice the art of Thai massage with absolute confidence.


Upon registration you will be given the Thai Massage Manual which outlines a step by step approach.

You will be sent information about the origin and art of Thai Massage electronically.

You will also be provided with a health questionnaire for your clients.

Suitable for beginners or prospective therapists who wish to learn or expand their knowledge.

This course is also beneficial for therapists of all alternative therapies, yoga teachers, osteopaths, physiotherapists, gymnasts, sports therapists who wish to continue their studies and increase their practical skills as well as for professionals who wish to expand their skills and horizons.

Every day begins at 9.30 with 10 minutes of yoga meditation and breathing exercises to align body and mind

09:40 – 16.30 The course continues on 2 levels.



History and principles of Thai massage

Practice of Thai massage: performed in couples, so they both experience the benefit of the treatment and have the oportunity to practice . Trainees have the Thai massage

manuals in their hands when the instructor gives the instructions about the treatment. the trainer gives clear details on how to find the right finger point or energy line in the body.

Students start practicing after the introduction, under the supervision of the trainer.

According to our teaching process, students can learn and absorb all treatment positions a 1,5 hour full body massage session during a period of 5 days .

Students will be taught

The 5 body positions based on the protocol of the traditional Thai massage: front, side, back, seated position, head and face

Indications - Contraindications to massage

Merger body meridians and how they run through the body

Finger points, palm press, and stretching techniques of Thai Massage

Right therapist body posture, to help reduce fatigue

Tips after a Thai massage treatment

Medical Customer History why and how we use it

During the lessons, there is a 10-minute break with snacks and beverages.

There is a one hour break for lunch from 13.00 to 14.00

At the end of the course a written and practical examination will complete your training and will enable you to acquire certification of completion of the Basic Traditional Thai Massage by Healing Arrow.

For those interested, Healing Arrow will secure acertification from the OngsThai Massage School, Chiang Mai Thailand offered through the Department of Education and the Thailand Ministry of Health.

Artemis Arvaniti through her training has developed a new form of treatment over the last 17 years that not only respects tradition but also offers new prospects for immediate pain relief. Her love for mankind has led her to establishing  the Healing Arrow.

1 People 390€

Thank you for your Preference.

a / Deposit in a bank account:

If you select the option (s) then you must click on the (Send Form) button and then deposit the amount shown below to the account below.

Bank Account :

Name: Artemis Arvaniti
IBAN: GR88 0172 0520 0050 5210 0047 053

b / Payment through Paypal:

If you choose to pay via Paypal then our system automatically transfers you to the Paypal environment in order to be able to pay by credit card or paypal account.


Payment can be don with

  • Paypal (Paypal Account)
  • Online μέσω Paypal (credit card )
  • Bank deposit

Attend in person

The seminar is offered in a specially designed studio in the Acropolis area, 20 meters the Acropolis Metro Station.

-At the end of the course a written and practical examination will complete your training and will enable you to acquire certification of completion of the Basic Traditional Thai Massage by Healing Arrow. For those interested, Healing Arrow will secure a certification from the ONGS Thai Massage Schoo in Chiang Mai Thailand offered through the Department of Education and the Thailand Ministry of Health.

Booking your attendance is finalized by paying the total cost of participation, which must be completed not later than 8 days before the start of the seminar.

Cancellations of reservations will be accepted free of charge only if they are communicated either by email or by telephone 5 days before the start of each training program. Cancellations that will take place beyond this time will not be refunded