The word “aromatherapy” means cure through the use of aroma. Essential oils are aromatic substances , distillates of plants , of flowers , of trees ,of fruits , of grass , of seeds , and of bark. These oils have specific , therapeutic , psychological and physical capacities which improve health and are precaution for any disease. Some oils act against virus and infections , relief the pain , soothe, tone up , relax ,abet the mode of digestion. They also have diuretic functions . Oils can have a positive effect on the brain (clarity of mind) as well as on the sentiments (positive thinking). They enter the body by breath , absorption and by drinking. Nowadays many studies have shown that the smells act instantly into the brain as a medicine. Essential oils work in a magic way against problems connected to stress ,psychosomatic disorders ,skin infections , pain coming from musculoskeletal disorders. The truth is that there are numerous therapeutic capacities . The molecular size of these oils is tiny therefore they can easily surpass the skin and go through the bloodstream . Only two hours are needed in order to enter the skin and four hours for the toxins to be discarded from the body through urine, excrement and .
Ways to use essential oils
Add 3-5 drops of essential oil ,according to your needs, into boiling hot water and inhale the steam . Make sure you cover your head with a towel so the the steam will not vanish. Steam helps the pores of the skin to open and due to that absorb more quantity of essential oil.
Evaporation & Sprays
You can add aroma , water, a few drops of essential oil in the evaporation ,light up a candle and as soon as the water is heat all the space will be filled with aromatic smells. The procedure of evaporation can last four to five hours and it is ideal to create a perfect “atmosphere” according to your needs. This is the way to be instantly relieved from pain while you will be filled with a relaxing and positive feeling as long as you use the appropriate essential oil. This results are quite similar with the use of a spray. Add water into the spray and choose your essential oils ,suited to your needs, and then spray the rooms in your house or your office. It is important to use aromas in the spaces we spend a lot of time.
Massage & Embocation
This is the most effective way for the essential oils to be absorbed in our body. Massage increases the therapeutic capacities of aromatherapy due to double gains. The beneficial faculties of oils and smell combined with the powerful value of touch create a therapeutic consolidation. Massage help us relax, transfers energy , reliefs the nervous system , facilitates bloodstream and lymphatic system , improves physician and mental functions. Widely important is also the way it reliefs sore muscles from pain and tension , detoxes , releases trapped energy from outstretched muscles and makes the mood. Aroma evokes a sense of happiness and euphoria. The infiltration of essential oil into the skin is highly effective due to massage. When it is possible , try to include massage in aromatherapy you practice at home.Basically base oils like almond oil, coconut oil, sesame oil , olive oil etc can be mixed with essential oils. We should never use essential oils on us unless there are diluted.a refreshing and therapeutic mic for massage to use before or after a shower is consisted by 30ml base oil and 16 drops of essential oils.
Other ways to use essential oils are baths, foot bath, pot puri, compress, esthetic therapy , cleansing of the house, Spray for body & space. They provide instant help. Ideal for use at home, at the office,the car and for all spaces we might be in everyday. Made by pure ,clear essential oils , and distilled water.
Aromatherapy is a therapeutic and rejuvenating method which upgrades the physical and emotional state.
It is an ancient practice that lasted through time therefore nowadays is spread.
Against stress
Bitter orange,geranium,sandalwood
Anti depressive (uplifting mood)
Sandalwood,lemon,sage,geranium,lavender, gillyflower,jasmine
Tranquilizer (for nervous system)
Sage, sandalwood, cypress, marjoram
Restorative (energy boost)
Eucalyptus, sage, lavender, Rosemary
Restorative (for the body)
Rose, chamomile, lavender
Against sorrow
Chamomile, attar, incense
Patchouli, lemon, geranium
High pressure
Ylang- ylang, chamomile, lavender
Hormonal balance
Sandalwood, lavender, chamomile
Irregular circle
Cedar wood, salvia, sandalwood
Helping menstruation
Chamomile, rose, Rosemary
Sage, mint, rose, lavender
Sage, mint, rose, lavender
Lavender, mint, rose
Lemon, black pepper, sandalwood
Muscle crick
Rosemary, ginger, lavender
Rose, sandalwood, patchouli, ylang-ylang
Chamomile, orange blossoms
Incense, ylang-ylang, bergamot
Lemon, cypress, ylang-ylang, geranium
Leg pain
Lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass
Back pain
Lavender, eucalyptus, ginger