Every issue has a cause and any pain or illness is the reflection/ the effect of this cause. There is always a reason why we attract pain in every level and that reason is trapped in our subconscious mind through our belief system. Thoughts, feelings and emotions create our own reality. Every vital organ or system in the body is affected by a different sentiment. Every time a negative emotion invades in the brain , affects a part of the body. For every situation coming into our lives the brain is researching for information to resolve it through the data restored in the Subconscious Mind, which is also located the Belief System. Through the tools that I am going to offer you, you will understand why this pain exists in that area of your body, and how to heal it with special affirmations , essences and crystals for each organ or part of it. You can be the healer of yourself.
The pain from coccyx until the lower back is connected to the Base Chakra .Also teeth , kidneys , blood , large intestine . The Base Chakra stands for security, and has to do with everything a person feels as “base” , meaning family , love relationship , job and finances . As a consequence , if any of those situations exist ,disharmony is reflects as pain in the lower back. For instance , if you recently lost your job or the money you make is not enough, or you just broke up from a serious relationship , if your parents or children are ill or you lost one of them , then the Base Chakra is in disharmony. The energy of Base Chakra allows us to harness courage , resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times . We cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.
What can we do: First of all , we need to recognize which of all these consequences that were mentioned above , created this feeling of disharmony. The moment , you will realize the source of the pain , automatically 1/3 of the it will vanish. The next step is to change this feeling or emotion with an exact opposite but positive feeling or emotion ( there many ways to do that nowadays ).
Affirmations for the Base Chakra which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep . You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I feel deeply rooted
- I feel safe and secure
- I stand for my values , for truth and for justice
- I have what I need
- I am grounded , stable and standing on my own two feet
- I am open to possibilities
- I am grateful to all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform
- I trust in the goodness of life
- I make choices that are healthy and good for me
- I trust myself, I love life
Essential Oils for balancing the Base Chakra : sandalwood , myrrh, cedarwood , juniper berry , clove.
Crystals to energize the physical body : Hematite can help you magnetize what you truly want and to strive for improvement and dissolve negativity.
This part of our body connects with Heart Chakra which has two frequencies , the lower stands for the love towards ourselves and others and for forgiveness , and the higher frequency stands for unconditional Universal Love. On the physical level the Heart Chakra is associated with the cardiovascular system , the immune system with lungs and upper body muscular system. On the mental level , someone with a heart Chakra imbalance may display too much criticism towards self and others , judgments and perfectionism. On the spiritual level , Heart Chakra issues may show up as overwhelming grief , loneliness , isolation and being stuck on ego levels of existence.
For instance, if we don’t feel love and acceptance , if we cannot forgive a person or surpass a situation , sooner or later we will have to deal with heart problems.
What can we do: Let’s start with some heart chakra affirmations, which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep. You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I am open to love. All love resides within my heart
- I deeply and completely love and accept myself
- I am wanted and loved
- I forgive myself
- I am open to love and kindness
- I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love
- I am connected with other human beings
- I accept things as they are
- I am peaceful
We can also use essential oils to awake love , compassion and kindness.
Essential Oils for balancing the Heart Chakra : Rose , Neroli , Margoran , Lemon
Crystals to energize the physical body : Rose Quartz which promotes unconditional love , forgiveness , infinite peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationship ,purifies and opens up the Heart Chakra. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships.
These symptoms are related to the third Chakra which is located between the navel and solar plexus and is the core of our personality , of our identity , or our ego. If it is blocked of deficient it brings passivity and inaction-allowing life to pass while nothing is being done. If this center is strong reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. Also , it reflects the ability to make conscious choices , to choose and to act.
For instance, if every time you judge or criticize yourself , if you do not have self love or acceptance , if you believe that you are not worthy you deal with Solar Plexus Chakra disharmony.
What can we do: Let’s start with some Solar Plexus chakra affirmations, which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep. You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I love and accept myself
- I am worthy of love , kindness and respect
- I express myself in a powerful way
- I am proud of my achievements
- I choose healthy relationships
- I feel my own power
- I am free to choose in any situation
- I am at peace with myself
Essential Oils for balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra : Jasmine , Bergamot ,Lavender , Rosemary , Chamomile
Crystals to energize the physical body : Citrine is a stone that provides happiness , courage , hope and warmth , enhancing our self esteem , our self expression and our creativity. It can beneficial for digestive organs , tissue regeneration ,circulation and also detoxifies the physical , emotional and mental body.
These parts of our body connects with the Sacral Chakra which is located in the pelvic area and effects sensuality , pleasure , emotion ,in general it is the center of feelings. When this center is blocked genitals and urine system are not functional.
For instance , people with blocked Sacral Chakra suffer from pain in the lower back , lack of passion , enjoyment and sensuality.
What can we do: Let’s start with some Sacral Chakra affirmations, which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep. You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I love and enjoy my body
- I am open to experience the present moment through my senses
- I am passionate
- I feel pleasure with every breath I take
- I know how to take care of my needs
- I am open to touch and closeness
- I allow myself to experience pleasure
- My sexuality is sacred
- Emotions are the language of my soul
Essential Oils for balancing the Sacral Chakra : Jasmine , Ylang-Ylang , Neroli , Sandalwood , Honey Sacle .
Crystals to energize the physical body : Carnelian gives a warm and joyous energy attunes with the inner self ,helps to open the heart. It is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation and for stimulating creativity. It gives courage and vigar to make the right life choices allowing you to trust yourself and your perceptions.
Whoever does not express feelings suffers from Throat Chakra disharmony, which is located in the region of neck and shoulders. This disharmony causes doubt and negativity , pessimism , lack of expressing feeling .
For instance, when Throat Chakra is not functional ,people cannot seem to say no even in circumstances where it is needed, they hide their emotions and this is where negativity comes from. In addition to this , these people might also talk without listening others.
What can we do: Let’s start with some Throat chakra affirmations, which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep. You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I am open, clear and honest in my communication
- I have the right to speak my truth
- I communicate my feelings with ease
- I express myself creatively through speech , writing or art
- I live an authentic life
- I love to share my experiences and wisdom
- I know when it is time to listen
Essential Oils for balancing the Throat Chakra : Eucalyptus , Peppermint , Cypress , Sage.
Crystals to energize the physical body : Blue Quartz reduces stress and negative thoughts , allows expression of the individuals ,heals the throat ,enhances communication and creative expression.
Third Eye Chakra is located in the brain at the brow, above the base of the nose. The person whose Third Eye Chakra is not in harmony suffers from illusions , self limiting ideas. Additionally, delusions ,nightmares and fear are also present.
For instance ,the person is usually self absorbed and considers just his own problems serious by ignoring reality. On the contrary ,when the energy in this center is balanced in both of our brain hemispheres we experience inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. There are no illusions, we see beyond the mind, beyond the words.
What can we do: Let’s start with some Throat chakra affirmations, which we can use every morning as we wake up and every night before sleep. You should repeat the most suitable affirmation for you 21 times.
- I am in touch with my inner guidance
- I listen to my deepest wisdom
- I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences
- I nurture my spirit
- I trust my intuition
- I am connected with the wisdom of the universe
- I am the source of my truth and my love
- I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn
- I forgive myself
Essential Oils for Balancing the Third Eye Chakra : Jasmine , Palo Santo , Chamomile , Clari Sage.
Crystals to energize the physical body : Lapis Lazuli resonates with the vibration of truth and enlightenment. It helps to relieve anger and negative thought, as well as easing frustrations causing the anger.