How memories create our reality
From the day of our birth until today , images , memories and everyday circumstances are being recorded to the subconscious mind without being filtered by any aspect of logic.
All these records , accumulated to the subconscious mind ,create our everyday reality and definitely our health.
Let’s decode the twelve issues of the heart/subconscious mind/beliefs and see how we can deal with them.
1 ) Reluctant to forgive : behind the most serious health issues there is always a matter of reluctance to forgive. Being reluctant to forgive usually means that the person acts driven by anger, irritation and the tension to avoid specific people. The person denies overcoming a situation because he feels that this will relief and release the “perpetrator” from the crime he committed , forgetting that by forgiveness the person is the one that is being actually “released”.
As i refuse to forgive the “perpetrator” I am captive to him and this situation affects severely my health. Usually the “perpetrator” doesn’t suffer at all by my reluctance to forgive him , he doesn’t even think about it. As a consequence my reluctance to forgive doesn’t harm anyone else by me.
Practice of forgiveness : Visualize the person or the situation that, you cannot forgive. See this person in front of you and tell him ,looking at him , that because i love myself and I want to be healthy ,and I love you as well and want you to be healthy ,i forgive you and you for my higher welfare . I am free from you now and forever.
2) Harmful Actions: In this category belong people with weight problems, bad nutrition, lack of exercise and people with all kinds of addictions. They are usually accompanied by beliefs like “I am not good enough or capable enough”, ”people will hurt me”, “there is no hope to improve my life”, “others are better than me” ,”I cannot trust anyone unless I am able to control completely the circumstances of my life ,then I will maintain my mental balance”
3) Wrong Beliefs: They can be compared to lumps which are within our cellular memories and cause illness and disease . They are like radio stations that send out propagandistic messages related to ourselves. We always act according to our beliefs. If we manage to change them , then our thoughts , actions and sentiments will change automatically . Those beliefs are protected by our subconscious mind who tries to maintain them inalterable because they behave like an alarm who helps us to not experience again traumatic incidents similar to those we had in the past. This is the reason why even though people are trying to change them, they rarely make it. As a consequence we experience fear even though the situation may not be that serious.
4) Love instead of Ego: Love is a virtue from which all the other virtues come from. If you love , you have accomplished everything . If there is love within yourselves and around you , everything can be healed usually very quickly. But firstly , let’s comprehend the meaning of it. The word “love” often has lots of meanings. Sometimes is being used in such a way that is actually the opposite of love, it is ego. When we truly love ,we literally overcome our own needs and desires so that our actions will benefit more people and ourselves. This does not mean that we shouldn’t fulfill our needs, besides, if we don’t love ourselves , we cannot love others. Love is usually being confused with sex. Sex is not the evolution of love but the ritual of it. Addictions to the internet , tv , sports or even “quality books” can evolve as substances of love , which end being obsessions and keep us away from affectionate and loving relationships which ,as people, we are destined to “build” and enjoy. On the other hand lack of love is the root of all problems we might be dealing with. The system of our body connected to this category is hormonal/endocrine/glandular system. Endocrine system is related to illness and is crucial in any disease. Being unwilling to forgive is a result of ego or lack of love.
5) Joy instead of Sorrow/depression: Joy is the one that help us discover easier if someone is dealing with heart issues. Joy is one of the most feigned aspect of modern life. Everyone wants to give the impression that is happy and his life is perfect. Joy is one of the first things to lose when we have physical or other kinds of problems. Many people confuse real joy with happiness , but happiness is related to specific circumstances of our life. Therefore, when things are going well , they feel good while when things are not going according to their expectations they lose courage. On the other hand , joy is a rare flower blossoming no matter the circumstances . Real joy blossoms in the ground of love , where there is love there is joy. Absence of joy means absence of love. The system of the body that is related to joy is the skin (cover system) which constitutes the biggest part of the body. People dealing with depression and not having skin problems are very few. Sorrow and depression have their roots in cellular memories of a past incident and include the wrong belief that there is no chance of improvement in their lives.
6) Peace instead of stress/fear: The sense of peace constitutes the best proof of a healthy heart (we are referring to the heart that is related to mind, consciousness and spirit) and this is because it is the only one of nine qualities that cannot be grown through effort. It flows naturally and spontaneously from within when the heart is full of love. We can try being happier , more patient , kinder or trust people more even if these qualities do not come spontaneously from our heart. This happens because all of these behaviors are socially excepted to most civilizations . Even though it is beneficial to raise these qualities , the motive is egoistic. Peace on the other hand , cannot be grown like that. It always reflects who we really are. Peace is blocked from fear , which is the source of all negative sentiments. Sorrow , impatience , lack of trust in people, self destructive behavior , egoistic satisfaction of our needs come from fear. If you have been struggling with a negative sentiment , it is brought by fear . If you are dealing with a physical illness it is brought by the system related to the category of peace which is gastrointestinal. Almost all diseases and illnesses in a way have their roots in the gastrointestinal system. Love is actually the source of health. The endocrine system , that is related to love , is the first tile in the domino of health problems. If this tile does not fall then it is too hard for our body or mind to be sick. Ego is the opposite of love and leads us to choose fear instead of love. From the moment that we choose fear instead of love negative sentiments will appear which will attract negative situations . The fear we feel when we think about fulfilling our dreams is the clue that there is a matter that needs to be healed. Absence of fear should not be confused with the existence of peace. What we shall feel is the presence of peace.
7) Patience instead of anger/disappointment/ impatience: Impatience gives us many information about our life. It reveals that we are not happy. It also reveals that we do not feel complete. In addition to that, it reveals that almost always we compare ourselves to others , which eventually leads us to the wrong direction. When we act like that , we are filled with sentiments of superiority or inferiority which are extremely negative and can cause not just stress but all kinds of health problems. In order to realize if you are dealing with any of these sentiments , consider if you are feeling anger , frustration , insecurity.
The immune and therapeutic system are being deactivated by anger and its multiple spinoffs as well as by the wrong belief that” in order for me to be all right something has got to change”. When the memories related to anger, comparison , sense of dissatisfaction are being healed , physical illnesses are being healed as well with miraculous results. The negative sentiments of impatience and anger come from fear and fear is the one leading someone’s life in such a level that the immune system is being deactivated.
8) Kindness instead of rejection/cruelty : Kindness is probably crucial for most people especially for those who have been hurt emotionally and mentally . An egoist who acts towards fear instead of choosing love is most likely to reject other people and treat them with cruelty because he is suffering and has known rejection himself. Being rejected from another person is the most painful situation that someone can experience in life. It constitutes the source of all issues of love , related to the difficulty of a person to feel that he is been excepted , loved and worthy. Evidently , the system which is being more affected by rejection is the main nervous system. The basic structural elements of the main nervous system are two of the most important parts of our body , the brain and the spinal cord. The basic control systems of our body. As a consequence , simple acts of kindness can immediately heal this system.
9) Confidence instead of Inferiority: In this category there are people that have been abused emotionally , they have been raised in an environment with tendency of perfection or with strict religious principals. The sentiments that someone with this background might feel are guilt ,shame , fear. They try as hard as they can to be better so that they can secure the love of other people . They consider that by doing always the right thing people will love them. The system related to this category is respiratory. When someone is feeling fear , guilt and shame usually has breathlessness .
10) Trust instead of Control : All these people that changed the world, all these people to whom we would like to be like were people that could trust or chose to trust. Most of them were trusting God much more than people and that helped them realize who they could trust. We cannot love if we do not trust. If there is trust we rise all over us a protective egoistic wall that keeps love away. When we knock down this wall wonderful things might happen. Which is this wall? Again, fear!
The system relating to this category is the reproductive system . If there is no trust in a relationship , all that is left is sex with no sentiment and this is the reason why most people have sexual problems or are seeking a substance. Additionally , many women that cannot conceive or have reproductive problems may deal with trust or control issues.
11) Humility instead of a Fake Image: Our need to promote a fake image of ourselves has it’s roots in the following belief “ my real self is not worthy , and if people get to know me will end up at the same conclusion , so with any cost , I must present to others a fictional image of myself instead of my real self. This is all about a manipulation tactic . When we give in this tactic , and to our need of a fictional image , we damage our physical and mental heart. The system that is being hurt in this category is the circular system , the heart of our body. Therefore I focus my heart means I absolve myself from many external things that drug me to the wrong direction.
12) Self control instead of Lack of control : If we do not have self control we cannot love , we cannot realize which are our dreams , and in most cases we will damage our health quite soon. Self control should not be a difficult and fatiguing duty that makes us groan as if we were climbing a mountain on wet cloths. It should be more of whimsy sense of descent a beautiful snowy mountainside with skis. The difference is rooted to the state of the heart. If the heart is rapt with fear , then we will constantly try to control everything so that we feel well and safe. On the other hand , if our heart is already flooded by love and truth we will try to control the circumstances of our life with love , joy , gratitude because we will feel well. This laziness and the person’s belief that he can act as he chooses , constitutes severe issues of the Self control category. The system which is affected the most from these issues is the musculoskeletar system.
Bibliography: Excerpts from the book The Healing Code Alexander Loyd – Ben Johnson